Our assets in West Africa

RoyalGate Energy is targeting Block Z’s significant gas reserves, with large upside potential and an opportunity to develop stranded gas assets.
> Numerous prospects identified through seismic data
> Over 3.6 tcf of gas reserves in place
> Plans to drill first well in 4Q 2015
> Existing discovery Gardenia present in Block Z
> Working with government on processing facilities
RoyalGate Energy is taking a leading role in Africa’s energy industry through the development of Equatorial Guinea’s Block Z.
Situated north of Bioko island, Block Z contains the Gardenia discovery, made in 2004, with reserves of 320 bcf and 25 million boe of condensate. Data from a 600-square-kilometer seismic survey commissioned by RoyalGate Energy in March 2014 shows four more high potential prospects in the area: Tulip, Daisy, Buttercup and Sunflower.
Block Z’s estimated gas reserves stand at more than 3.6 tcf, with considerable upside potential. RoyalGate Energy plans a fast-track development of the identified Gardenia discovery and Tulip prospect in 2015.
As operator of the block, we are working closely with the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy to appraise these prospects and develop Block Z gas.