Exploration in 2016: Frank Ene speaks at Africa Oil & Power
RoyalGate Energy CEO Frank Ene addressed the audience of the Africa Oil & Power conference in Cape Town on June 6, joining a panel of upstream experts with operations in African countries.
Mr. Ene explained on the panel that despite low oil and gas prices depressing activity in the sector, it was important to remember that Africa remains under explored compared to other regions, and that enormous potential remains in areas such as Equatorial Guinea, where RoyalGate Energy is exploring Block Z. “It is important to keep the low oil and gas prices of 2015 and 2016 in perspective,” said Mr. Ene. “The industry has seen far leaner times than this, and we see a lot of exploration work that needs to be done in Africa.”
Mr. Ene spoke on the Upstream panel alongside the CEO of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Alex Mould; Acting VP of New Ventures Upstream at PetroSA Neil Robertson; CEO of Shoreline Energy International Kola Karim; MD of Energia Amieyeofori Felix. The panel was moderated by Niall Kramer, CEO of the South Africa Oil and Gas Association.